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Protecting Drinking Water Resources

Protecting Drinking Water Resources by Viviana Puello A lot is happening in the world with our water resources, and water crises in many locations are prompting people to think outside the box, save water from rain and look for ways to preserve such valuable and...

Tonantzin – Earth Day 2021

Earth day is over, yet our work to continue creating a global change to restore our planet has just begun. One of the largest international Earth Day events ever, ‘Tonantzin, A Call For Mother Earth’, featured over 20 global artists discussing and creating awareness...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle for Sustainable Living

Cutting Down Waste A common misconception when thinking about reducing one's waste footprint is the belief that recycling paper, plastic, aluminum cans, and glass bottles are the best way to do it. In reality, recycling ranks only third in the most impactful ways to...

Caribbean Coral Reefs In Danger Of Extinction

Growing up on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, one of the most exciting moments of my childhood was going to the ocean and enjoying the beautiful colors of a world I'd discovered underwater.  If you have ever gone snorkeling anywhere near a coral reef, you know what...

The Dalai Lama: Our Only Home

The Dalai Lama is urging the World to act on the climate crisis. The Tibetan Buddhist, Nobel peace prize recipient, and spiritual leader has co-written a book with German environmental journalist Franz Alt. In his book entitled Our Only Home: A Climate Appeal to the...

Cherokee One Brave and Spiritual Legacy

by Sam Dembling The Cherokee Native American Culture When anthropologist James Mooney published the first of his influential studies of Native American culture in 1888, “Myths of the Cherokee,” he was struck by the centrality of water in the Cherokee world. Mooney had...

Dead Coral Reefs, Number One Tragedy In The Oceans

The world's coral reefs, one of the ocean's most beautiful marine habitats, is in danger of extinction because of dramatic increases in coral diseases caused by climate change and warmer waters.  These once-vibrant reefs are unlike any other reef systems in the world,...


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